
Canterbury Golf Club

Entrant List for Festival of Golf Wingham Timber Texas Scramble

203 players have been signed up for this competition as of 1:25 AM Saturday 23rd November

Lindsay Abraham (Faversham Golf Club)
Edward Acteson (20.3)
Steve Acteson (21.2)
John Aldridge (West Malling Golf Club)
Nigel Allen (12.7)
D Allison (West Malling Golf Club)
Peter Andrews (North Foreland Golf Club)
Kevin Ansley (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Anthony Arscott (7.1)
David Ash (18.3)
Richard Askham (6.0)
ROB AYLOTT (Upminster)
Mark Bailey (9.2)
Neville Barnes (8.7)
A J Bates (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Gary Bathurst (9.5)
Nicholas Bedford (8.5)
Paul Betts (Beauport Park Golf & Country Club)
Val Binns (7.9)
Richard Blackburn (10.4)
Paul Blake (13.2)
Stuart Blake (1.7)
Jamie Bourne (6.3)
Roger Bourne (15.3)
D. Bradley (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Mark Broadhurst (1.3)
Andrew Brockman (10.1)
Aaron Brolly (Farleigh Golf Club)
Neil Brothers (Braintree)
Graham Brown (13.4)
Keir Buckthorpe (7.3)
Alan Bundock (8.4)
Peter Bundock (9.1)
David Bunyan (11.0)
Keith Burgess-Clements (West Malling Golf Club)
Jim Butcher (Guildford)
Colin Buttenshaw (18.2)
Carol Bye (12.0)
Jez Carden (14.2)
Elizabeth Carlotti (15.3)
Claudia Carlotti (Junior) (6.7)
Alastair Carnegie (Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club)
Wayne Catherall (11.4)
Christopher Cheeseman (15.9)
A. Chidwick (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Stephen Chidwick (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Simon Clayton (20.9)
Caroline Collins (5.9)
Eric Colman (16.2)
John Conner (North Foreland Golf Club)
Lily Cook (1.5)
Fraser Cousens (Etchinghill Golf Club)
Barry Cox (13.3)
Stafford Cox (North Foreland Golf Club)
Helen Cugnoni (38.6)
Michael Cunningham (7.0)
Melvyn Curd (15.8)
Sam Curd (Longcliffe)
Anthony Dance (10.5)
Jorge Juan Dickinson (21.6)
Bernard Disneur (14.4)
David Divers (18.4)
Ben Doherty (Broome Park Golf Club)
Gary Duffy (North Foreland Golf Club)
Phil Dunford (10.8)
Alan Edmunds (14.9)
Les Elmer (7.8)
Louise Fairburn (18.8)
Andy Fearn (15.0)
Jack Ferrett (Junior) (17.3)
Gary Fitchett (14.9)
Miles Fitchett (20.0)
Daniel Fletcher (13.1)
Kevin Fletcher (17.8)
Diane Florence (15.2)
Ian Florence (19.0)
Nigel Fluet (15.2)
Stuart Forbes (6.8)
David Forrester (11.5)
Simon Fowler (15.0)
Paul Gardiner (18.7)
Philip Gardiner (Boughton Golf Club)
Alan Garrett (Stonelees Golf Centre Golf Club)
Brian Gaston (7.2)
John Gawler (14.2)
Josh Gibson (Beauport Park Golf & Country Club)
Mark Graham (17.4)
Robert Green (10.1)
Marian Greenin (Westgate & Birchington Golf Club)
Malcolm A Griffin (Faversham Golf Club)
Martin Griffin (Faversham Golf Club)
Anthony Grove (5.7)
Christopher Harbridge (Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club)
Heather Hardy (16.3)
Nicholas Harris (16.6)
Ian Hatt (North Foreland Golf Club)
Jackie Hawes (North Foreland Golf Club)
Paul Hewitt (North Foreland Golf Club)
John Hill (North Foreland Golf Club)
Catherine Hinds (16.0)
Richard Hinds (16.2)
Diane Hollidge (22.5)
Robert Hollidge (17.1)
Raymond Holmes (6.9)
JOHN HORNETT (Upminster)
Mitchell Hughes (North Foreland Golf Club)
Trevor Hunt (Westgate & Birchington Golf Club)
Graham Hunter (18.2)
David Huskinson (17.8)
Ben Hyder (Beauport Park Golf & Country Club)
Nigel Hylands (10.4)
Jeremy Iddenden (1.3)
Christopher Jackson (27.3)
Timothy Jakob (12.1)
Bob James (Broome Park Golf Club)
Peter R Johnson (5.5)
Philip Johnson (11.6)
Roger Jordan (Faversham Golf Club)
Waldemar Kalinowski (5.8)
Andy King (24.0)
Alison Kingston (4.9)
Mark Lambton (2.9)
Charlotte Launois (15.2)
Stephane Launois (15.2)
R. Lawrence (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Steve Lennon (Beauport Park Golf & Country Club)
Simon Lillywhite (Faversham Golf Club)
Scott Lindsay (15.7)
Ray Lloyd (15.1)
Trevor Loader (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Michael Longmore (10.5)
Clive Lupton (North Foreland Golf Club)
Scott Macaskill (Chestfield Golf Club)
Jacob Manser (Sheerness)
Colin Mercer (21.3)
Carl Midgley (North Foreland Golf Club)
James Miller (Broome Park Golf Club)
Nick Miller ()
Alan Moore (9.3)
Ian Munday (10.1)
Phil Myers (15.6)
Richard Myers (iGolf Club)
Alastair Narraway (North Foreland Golf Club)
Keith Nicholls (11.1)
Eric Norton (8.5)
Ali Ord (1.6)
Ray Palgrave (North Foreland Golf Club)
Gill Palin (Westgate & Birchington Golf Club)
David Parkin (23.9)
June Parkin (26.0)
Michael Parrott (12.0)
Christopher Parsons (15.6)
Dean Petch (11.0)
David Piper (12.0)
Tony Place (13.2)
Barbara Plews (20.7)
Sam Plews (11.1)
Diane Plommer (20.3)
Geoff Plommer (17.3)
Martyn Ponting (Littlestone)
Roy Prickett (North Foreland Golf Club)
Elaine Purton (Horsham Golf)
Ian Purton (Horsham Golf)
Marcus Rabenda (18.6)
Steven Robson (-0.1)
Derek John Sammels (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Amanda Sargent (51.4)
Jason Scorer (6.6)
A. J. Seal (St Augustine's Golf Club)
James Senior (Littlestone)
Nicholas Shearman (11.5)
John Shiel (3.7)
P Skipper (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Patricia Skipper (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Mark Sladden (5.8)
Roger Snelling (10.4)
Gillian Soutar (9.9)
A. Squire (St Augustine's Golf Club)
Trevor Stannard (12.2)
Robert Staples (22.0)
Ronald Stedman (12.8)
Michael Stevenson (21.8)
Moira Streatfield (Westgate & Birchington Golf Club)
Malcolm Sutton - Foster (Stonelees Golf Centre Golf Club)
Nick Swain (20.2)
Nick Taylor (North Foreland Golf Club)
Stephen Terry (12.2)
Frazer Douglas Thompson (15.0)
Lee Tidy (4.5)
Michael Twort (West Malling Golf Club)
Graham Vaughan (12.9)
Peter Walters (North Foreland Golf Club)
Brandon Ware (3.4)
Jamie White (7.6)
Robin Whiting (23.9)
Robin Wilkins (24.0)
David Williams (13.5)
Claire Wilson (9.1)
Gavin Wilson (Broome Park Golf Club)
Michael Wilson (11.7)
John Winthrop (Broome Park Golf Club)

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